Saturday, July 31, 2010



今天跟炯志以及百勤去吃早餐. 吃后便到对面路等待巴士去Summit. 原本预测巴士十五分钟内到达.


于是我们高兴的心情消失了...变成失望...开始埋怨...天气好热...就在这当儿, 我看见巴士了. 兴高采烈的告诉他们 :"来了! 来了! 终于来了!" 那时的我们好像发现新大陆那般地开心.

那时的我突然间想到等待是值得的吗? 当我们太轻易地得到某样东西时, 我们不会珍惜. 不过如果我们好不容易得到某样东西时, 努力地做出了成就, 等到了我们应有的. 那时我们就会有满足感, 知道今天所得的是千辛万苦得到的, 我们会更加珍惜不让我们的成就突然消失因为得来不易...


Thursday, July 22, 2010


        在2010年前, 我是个胆小鬼. 我不敢去做我以前没有做过的东西例如在大众面前说话. 因为我在大众面前说话, 我就会发抖,说话就结结巴巴. 当我在做一件事情时, 如果失败了, 我就会觉得自己没有用, 我不敢再继续下去因为我怕失败. 所以我就一直停留在原点没有自我提升. 直到今天, 我站在四十多人面前present我的春节简介, 我说话没有结巴没有发抖.跟去年的我是完全不同的. 秘诀只有一个就是我勇于尝试. 但是这不是我的功劳,而是祂, 主耶稣基督.

        当我已经决定了要当老师时, 祂早已经安排好"锻练"好让我去尝试在大众面前说话. 首先就是在我的persatuan终年晚餐聚会当晚大约六十多人面前说话, 我非常紧张说得很糟糕. 那是我的失败. 之后我在我的教堂举办的为期一个月的活动,与八个人同住一间家,还有来自尼日利亚Russia留学的弟兄姐妹. 主要是让我们更接近神, 更认识祂. 那段时期我不知不觉地尝试了在众人面前说话. 其中就包括在他们面前自我介绍, 做活动等等. 我从中锻练了自己. 之后还有在教会教友面前发表说词, 唱歌等等的. 慢慢的我再也不紧张了, 并且很喜欢在台前说话. 哈哈.

        有两句说得好"No one knows what he can do until he tries", "never try never know, once you try, everytime you want to do it because you know how to do it and were confident". 只有勇于尝试就会成功. 失败就重头再来. 所谓"失败乃成功之母",它让你得到经验让你成长. 朋友们, 勇于尝试吧, 别怕失败. 主耶稣,谢谢您让我成长, 让我学习与独立, 不断协助我, 愿您保佑我以及所有人, In Jesus name I prayed, Amen...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


     Everyone have a dream. Sometimes what we wish to own or have it,doesnt mean that we will have it at the end. In our life,for me, i wish to have cars, big house, have many money to help the poor, peaceful and harmony world, no war, no prejedius, have right to say what i want to say, fair, no criminals, no global warming, the world is just as wonderful as the fairytales, go around the world but impossible i can have all of it just like the song, "dreams never come true".

    However, dreams is free of charge,i can dream of it when i'm sleeping. Dreams also can come true one day, but you cant sit and wait for it,you have to stand up and do something to make ur dreams come true if you really want to and the result leave it to God. "What belongs to you,you sure will get it one day. But what not belongs to you, you will never get it".

    So dreams can come true or not? Its just up to you and how you look on it and what you will do to make you dreams come true. And the others leave it to God. Amen.